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 Pre-Primary Wing

 The Pre-Primary Wing functions as an extension of home. The teaching is informal with specially designed aids to facilitate the psycho-motor skills of the little ones.

The focus is on learning by doing. Hence all learning is through play and pleasurable activities. They are exposed to the rich experiences of daily life and helped to learn Social behaviour and Proper Communication skills. Picnics, Educational tours, Outings and Nature walks, etc. help the tiny tots to increase their awareness of their environment and assist them in acquiring the skills of being independent and of standing on their own feet..

We prepare them to explore reality through their natural curiosity and zest for life. We believe that spoon feeding and hot house protection will be harmful for the child.. A faculty of specially trained ECE teachers mans the Pre- Primary Wing.








Primary Wing




Classes I and II follow a well balanced academic curriculum with English, Hindi, E.V.S., Maths as the core subjects and Computer Science, General Knowledge, Music, Dance, Art & Craft and Physical Education as essential support subjects.

Computer Aided Learning through Smart Class and various other activities form an integral part of the teaching learning process.

A period per week is allocated in the Time Table for Value Education. To encourage reading habits Library period is provided and Class Library is also maintained.

In classes III, IV and V, in the place of Environmental Studies, there is a segregation of Science and Social Science which have been two well defined subjects.. Computer Science, General Knowledge, Music, Dance, Art & Craft and Physical Education form an integral part of the curriculum. A period per week is allocated for Value Education as well as for Environmental Education.




 Evaluation and Assessment







We follow the grading system for evaluation and assessment for all subjects for class I to IV. In class V examination system is introduced to expose children to competitiveness where they learn how to face exams and time management.

The evaluation system is continuous and comprehensive. The academic year is divided into two semesters. There are two cycle tests in each subject one in each semester, surprise tests at regular intervals and First Semester Examination and Second Semester Examination.




 Middle & Secondary







The School follows the CBSE pattern and offers various choices at the Sr. Secondary level.

Science with Music,Painting, Physical Education , Biology

Commerce with Maths, Music,Painting, Physical Education.




 Evaluation and Assessment







The evaluation system is continuous and comprehensive. The academic year is divided into two semesters. There are two cycle tests in each subject one in each semester, surprise tests at regular intervals and First Semester Examination and Second Semester Examination

Weightage is allotted for the cycle test, surprise tests and internal assessment.

Skilled and gifted children are identified and groomed with extra care so that many reach levels of excellence. At the same time we take care to follow up with children who need extra care. We provide remedial classes, learning centres for such children. There is a school counsellor to guide our children.


Smart Class
Language Lab
Art & Craft

Principal's Message
The role of education in shaping & chiseling the holistic personality of the child is of paramount importance. It is in the school that human and moral values one inculcated in the mind of the child which is the later years from his personality in....

Chairman's Message
Education has become the basic human necessity and that is why everyone is been to learn and educate himself as education equips him with the knowledge necessary to face the challenges of life. There is an increasing realisation all the world over that only ...
Secretary's Message
Education is the ability to meet life’s situations. With resistance and diligencelaced with knowledge and intellect, one can soar to any extent one desires. The thrust of education at Shri Atmanand Jain College ...
Website last updated on : 31 Jan 2025
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