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  1. Absence: When your child is absent please notify the front office by sending a note in the Almanac on previous day or by sending sms.
    • No student who has been absent on the previous day will be allowed to attend class unless her/his parent has entered an explanation stating the reasons for the absence, in the ‘Record of Non-Attendance’ section of the almanac, for each day the student has been absent from the school.
    • It is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that they have entered the relevant information and signed the almanac. For absence of more than three days on Medical Grounds, Medical Certificate shall be attached along with application.
    • A student, returning to school after suffering an infectious or contagious disease, should produce a doctor’s fitness certificate permitting her/him to attend school.
    • All students are expected to attend school on opening day immediately following the vacations. Absence on the day of reopening of the school will attract strict disciplinary action.
    • It is compulsory for students to complete 85% attendance in each term or unit in order to be eligible to take the end-of-term assessment. This stipulation can only be relaxed on genuine medical grounds, at the sole discretion of the Principal.
  2. Leaving early: If your child needs to leave before the end of the school day, a parent or guardian must sign the child out register at the office. It is advisable to send a note beforehand.
  3. Medication at School : The school authorities know that some children need to take medication at school. The following precautions must be observed for the safety of your child and others:
    • A Physician’s Statement form must be completed and signed by you and your doctor, stating the name of the medicine, dosage, time to be given, etc.
    • The Physician’s Statement is required for all prescription and over-the- counter medication.
    • Medication must be brought to the teacher by an adult with the original prescription. Students are not permitted to carry medicine while at school.
    • Medication will be kept in the wellness room in a safe place. While we will take every precaution possible, we cannot accept responsibility for loss or for the administration of the medication.
    • Parents will be promptly informed in the event of serious illness or emergencies, may be requested to come to school to take their ward home if necessary.
  4. Dress Code : The purpose of dress code is to establish a school environment that supports a productive academic atmosphere, which supports students’ learning and reflects the educational values of the staff and the parents.
    Students must wear their uniforms with pride and ensure that they look neat and presentable at all times.
    As long as a student is on the school rolls he/she must always come to school in uniform, also during the practical and extra classes.
  5. Withdrawal
    • One calendar month’s notice is to be given by the parents/guardian in writing before withdrawal of a student.
    • If a parent of newly admitted student/s intends to withdraw his/her ward before the completion of his/her first academic year, he/she is liable to pay the complete fee prescribed for the whole academic year.
    • If a parent wants to withdraw his/her child from the school after the completion of one complete academic year, he/she has to submit an application for the same in the prescribed format latest by 15th February, failing which, the 1st Quarter fee for the next academic session will be charged. If such withdrawal falls on or before 30 September, he/she is liable to pay the Second Quarterly fees in full and after 30th September, the fee for the whole academic year is to be paid in full.
    • School Leaving Certificate will be issued only after the clearance of all dues. Parents shall not make any claim to Caution Deposit, which will be refunded only after the audition of account after 30th April.

Rules Governing Withdrawal/Suspension
The head of the institution reserves the absolute right at his discretion, to issue Leaving Certificate to any pupil, if:

    • He is not satisfied with the general conduct of the student, on the campus.
    • The student is absent from the school campus without sanction of leave, for more than 2 week, during the session/term.
    • The student is found to practice unfair means in tests and exams.
    • If the parents/ guardians fail to pay the subsequent installments of the school fee on time, their child/ ward is liable to be withdrawn from school, after giving due notice to the parent/guardian regarding the same. Under such circumstances the caution deposit will be forfeited and Leaving Certificate will not be issued till the dues are cleared.
    • If it is found that the student does not put in the minimum efforts to score the qualifying marks for promotion, in spite of the best efforts of his/her teachers, the Principal may terminate the admission of such students, after issuing a warning.
    • In matter of admission and issue of “Leaving Certificate” the decision of the Principal is final and binding on the parents/guardians of the student concerned.
  1. Fees Rules:
    • The school session starts from April and ends in March.
    • Tuition and transport fees are payable for twelve months in a year.
    • Fees should be paid in either cash or cheque.
    • In case of payments through cheque the account department will issue a temporary receipt to the parents and final receipt will be issued to them after clearance of cheque.
    • In case of bounced cheque, a return charge of Rs. 500/- and late fee will be charged from the parents till the date of payment.
    • tudents will neither be allowed to sit for examination nor will they be shown their results cards/ answer sheets until all dues of the school are cleared.
    • Admissions granted in the middle of the session are entitled to pay the tuition fees from the beginning of the session.
    • Fees once paid will not be refunded.
    • The fee structure may be revised yearly to meet the constant fluctuation in the cost of living and according to changing price index.
    • Any fee paid for a particular student is not adjustable with the other student.
    • All payments will be collected only by the Accounts Department. The last date for the fee collection will be the 10th of every quarter beginning March/ September/ December.
  2. Transportation Rules:
    • Students may avail of the school’s transport, subject to the availability of the seats.
      School bus routes are drawn up based on the convenience and demand while ensuring that no route is too long. Parents should consult the school’s transport in-charge for necessary details or any changes desired.
    • A student using the school bus is expected to be at the stop at least five minutes before the scheduled arrival of the bus. The student has to be on the correct side of the arriving bus.
      Students are issued identity cards which should be worn by the student.
    • Students are allowed to use only their allotted bus and bus stop. There is no provision for temporary change in bus or bus stops.
    • Students, who miss the allotted bus, should not try to board any other bus. In such cases it is the responsibility of the parents to drop their wards to the school. Such students may, however, return by their allotted bus.
    • No object should be thrown inside or outside the bus.
    • The consumption of edible and drinks are not permitted in the bus
    • Unruly behavior like shrieking and shouting is strictly prohibited.
    • The drivers are authorized to stop buses at designated stops only.
    • The list of stops is prepared keeping in view the convenience and safety of all bus commuters and is subject to change.
    • Parents should, for the safety of their children, ensure that their wards are always escorted to and from bus stops. For children who, for any reason, have to travel unescorted to and from their stops, an application mentioning the same must be sent to the Principal.
    • Parents (or their duly authorized nominee/s) have to produce the parents’ copy of the identity card at the bus stop or the school gate, in order to receive their wards, failing which the students will not be handed over to parents or their nominee/s and will brought back to the school office. The parent will then have to pick up the student from the school on the production of the school identity card.
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Principal's Message
The role of education in shaping & chiseling the holistic personality of the child is of paramount importance. It is in the school that human and moral values one inculcated in the mind of the child which is the later years from his personality in....

Chairman's Message
Education has become the basic human necessity and that is why everyone is been to learn and educate himself as education equips him with the knowledge necessary to face the challenges of life. There is an increasing realisation all the world over that only ...
Secretary's Message
Education is the ability to meet life’s situations. With resistance and diligencelaced with knowledge and intellect, one can soar to any extent one desires. The thrust of education at Shri Atmanand Jain College ...
Website last updated on : 31 Jan 2025
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