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           ARTS AND CRAFT 

  Academy has introduced Arts and crafts as a subject in the curriculum,it is typically taken for granted as a must for children and young kids in the formal education setup. .

There is no doubt that arts and crafts are fun activities for kids. Be it coloring with crayons or making miniature statues from clay, folding paper to create fine origami or designing a handmade birthday card, there are several arts and crafts activities, which can enhance the interest of the children and exploit their artistic potential.

By introducing arts and crafts to the kids and involving them in such activities in schools, you will invest in building their cognitive, physical, and social development



JPS Academy always believes in the quotation that a sound mind lives in a sound body. Games are an essential part of students’ life because it also contributes in all round development of a student. That’s why a team of sports department is highly dedicated to train their students in different-different games and many sports activities were organized in this session also. Some Inter House activities like basketball, chess, table tennis, football, cricket championships were also the part of this. The players of Taekwondo, Vovinam, Wushu and Karate also achieved so many medals at state and national level. Very soon they are going to get chance at international level to prove their ability.




Smart Class
Language Lab
Art & Craft

Principal's Message
The role of education in shaping & chiseling the holistic personality of the child is of paramount importance. It is in the school that human and moral values one inculcated in the mind of the child which is the later years from his personality in....

Chairman's Message
Education has become the basic human necessity and that is why everyone is been to learn and educate himself as education equips him with the knowledge necessary to face the challenges of life. There is an increasing realisation all the world over that only ...
Secretary's Message
Education is the ability to meet life’s situations. With resistance and diligencelaced with knowledge and intellect, one can soar to any extent one desires. The thrust of education at Shri Atmanand Jain College ...
Website last updated on : 31 Jan 2025
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